Flower shop business plan template

Flower Shop Business Plan Template

Roses are red, violets are blue, flower shops turn profits, and soon you can, too! Starting a floral business is more than just buds and blossoms—it has the potential to become a steady source of income. So what in “carnation” are you waiting for? With a little flower power, soon your sales will be in full bloom.

Vending Machine Business Plan

Vending Machine Business Plan Template

Vending machines have been a stable around tourist areas, hospitals, hotels, malls, government buildings and more for years. This industry is a mainstay with machines becoming more and more appealing to both the owner and consumer.

Self Storage Business Plan

Self Storage Business Plan Template

People are buying more and more things especially online and with more things comes the demand for more space required. Self-storage is a good business if you care about security, people, and cleanliness.

Gym Business Plan

Fitness Gym Business Plan Template

The fitness industry has been growing for the past few years with more and more individuals wanting to be healthy and look good. A gym is great for someone who loves fitness and cares about others.

fashion boutique business plan

Retail Fashion Store Business Plan Template (Physical Location)

If you love fashion and love to help others with their fashion then a fashion boutique is a great business for you.

Car Wash Business Plan

Car Wash Business Plan Template (Physical Location)

Everyone loves a clean car and as the car industry grows so does the need for professional car washes. We recently saw a boom in the auto detail industry and now car washes with more high-tech solutions are on the rise.

Auto Body Repair Business Plan

Auto Body Repair Business Plan Template

Every day in your city people are getting into accidents, either with each other or something like a pole or even a wall. Since people are keeping their cars for longer the need for auto body repair is growing.

Landscaping Business Plan

Landscaping Business Plan Template

People are taking more care of their homes to increase their property value. Landscaping has been on the rise due to popular television shows and home makeovers. This is a great business if you are creative and not scared of hard work.

Used Car Dealer business plan

Used Car Dealer Business Plan Template

Transportation is always needed and not everyone can always afford a new car. The need for used cars is growing as people are not buying as many new cars. This is a great industry for someone to get into that has ambition and loves cars.

security guard company

Security Guard Company Business Plan Template

The security industry is growing with more and more demand at public venues, private locations, and even personal homes. Everyone wants to be safe and the security industry is growing due to this.

solar company business plan

Solar Company Business Plan Template

With renewable energy being a pushed by the government and consumer base a solar energy company is a good industry to get into now.

barbershop business plan

Barbershop Business Plan Template

Love cutting hair and talking with others? Then a barbershop might be a great venture for you to start. With a low startup cost compared to a full salon a barbershop is a great first venture for someone who loves hair.

real estate realtor business plan

Real Estate/Realtor Company Business Plan Template

Do you love people and finding hidden real estate gems? Then starting your own realtor company might be for you. Use this business plan template as a building block for your new venture.

candle making business

Candle Making Business Plan Template

A candle making business is a great venture for someone who loves the hobby of making candles and sells themselves or to other stores.

Water, Fire and Smoke restoration business plan

Water, Fire and Smoke Restoration Business Plan Template

With human and natural causes such as flooding, fire and smoke damage there is always a need for a restoration business. This industry has been growing in recent years due to consumer awareness and professional equipment to handle such damages.